
U.M.I.A. the place to stay

U.M.I.A. is the name of the ideal city where the characters are living, it stands for ubi mel ibi apes, latin for “where [there is] honey, there [are] bees”. 
It looks like the town gathers all copies of remarkable architecture buildings and commonly appreciated monuments from all over the world, the ideal city seems to be surrounded by well preserved natural breath-taking landscapes.
A second hypothesis suggests the mega polis where the characters live, is a world where urbanization has reached every corner of the earth, a gigantic total town that has swallowed up all the cities we know in our world.
The characters, Celia especially, travel through such a wide town on full speed over craft-like vehicles.
From the windows or verandas of the house we can see the skyline change as if the house is moving or somehow rotating. This kind of scenario changes happen, usually, when Sutton is by the window, or walks by, looking outside. We are supposed to think he is so urbanized that he projects his vision of fearful natural landscape outside his safe home.

Famous places recognizable as window landscape:

Episode 1- The Taj Mahal, Agra India.
Episode 2- The Grand Canyon, Colorado U.S.A.
Episode 3- Easter Island, South Pacific.
Episode 4- The Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt.
Episode 5- The North Platform of Chichen Itza, Temple of Kukulkan, Mexico.  
Episode 6- Niagara Falls, U.S.A., Canada.
Episode 7- Angkor Wat, Cambodia. 
Episode 8- The Great Wall of China.
Episode 9- Angel Falls, Venezuela.
Episode 10-Kiyomizudera in eastern Kyoto, Japan.

© 2012 All Turns To Dust, In The End.
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