Scene 1 The man who died twice and ended his life alive
Robin and Celia are in a Café, they dream of a holiday in an exotic island, Robin leaves and the pander arrives and orders the object.
Scene 2 The man with a needle in his brain and no injuries in his skull
Dunvegan calls to meet Sutton and propose him to leave the town for fishing salmons in wild rivers, Sutton is not very keen to leave the comforts of urban life, at his shoulders the landscape framed by the window shows The Grand Canyon and the Colorado River in Arizona, U.S.
Scene 3 The man with no grammar and a savage skill to create new unnecessary words
Miss Winters tries to open a dead fish she means to cook for dinner and discovers the fish has misteriously eaten a Diamond Watch Celia was wearing the previous night.
Scene 4 The man who saved his soul and sold his life to a stranger
Dunvegan decides to train Sutton for fishing salmons and begins to show how to handle a fishing rod using a golf club in Sutton’s studio.
Scene 5 The man who lost his world and couldn’t find a soul to sell his mind to
Celia and Robin come home and Robin is left having a conversation with Miss Winters about the mistery of the Diamond Watch, Robin thinks to use the story in one of her books and takes notes of every word Miss Winters says.
Scene 6 The man who sold ideas at every corner of the street and bought hopes
Celia duplicates the object with trembling of the walls: The Venus of Hohle Fels is dated to between 35,000 and 40,000 years ago.
Scene 7 The man who lost his mask and found a new face underwater
The poker party refuses dinner and is very disturbed by Dunvegan who goes on miming fishing poses with a golf club.
Scene 8 The man who lost his mind and found a brand new green umbrella
Robin leaves the house and the dog to Celia’s care. The dog is snooping in the kitchen looking for food and is used by Miss Winters as a gourmet tester.
Scene 9 The man with a striped red tie who refused to wear shoes
Celia goes out to deliver the object while the poker party tries to get rid of Dunvegan who has involved the "rent boys" in a fishing training section.
Scene 10 The man who sold his body and found a jade jar full of lies
At the end of the poker game, Sutton wins a ship cruise in the north seas, whale spotting experience included. Sutton verifies the ship has a gambling room and poker room before announcing the merry news to Celia and Dunvegan.
© 2012 All Turns To Dust, In The End.
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