
Episode 4 Synopsis


Scene 1 Revenge on uncle Claudius
Sutton is playing cards for 30 hours and Celia wants to go to theatre to see a new representation of Hamlet. The poker party is very angry by the interruption.

Scene 2 Laertes is returning to France
Celia enters the room in a different outfit and insists to go out and laments the point of the play they are missing in that moment. The poker party is very annoyed. And Celia goes out to meet the pander to be commissioned a duplication.

Scene 3 Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are sent to spy on him
Celia comes home and Miss Winters is in deep agitation for some ill-working of the oven.

Scene 4 The Murder of Gonzago guilty Claudius abruptly rises and leaves
Celia duplicates the object. Miss Winters throws to the bin her famous soufflé aux champignons.

Scene 5 Stabs wildly through the cloth, kill the rat!
Celia enters the room in a different outfit, Sutton tries to tame Cilia and tells her to be patient, from the windows at Sutton’s shoulders is displaying the three pyramids in Giza Necropolis bordering El Giza, Egypt.

Scene 6 Hide the copse of Pollonious and leave Elsinore!
Celia’s enters again the room and insists to go out to see at least the end of the representation. The poker party is very annoyed and they yell back like prehistoric cave men.

Scene 7 Poison the tip of Laertes’ sword
Celia goes out to deliver the duplication: The bone Venus of Kostenky aged 35,000 – 40,000 BCE.

Scene 8 Ophelia has drowned
Miss Winters informs the party there will be no food. The party proposes to ask for prêt-à-manger food to be delivered and Miss Winters takes the offence very badly.

Scene 9 Claudius's murderous plot reveled
Celia comes from the library with some books and decides to go to sleep. Celia’s friends Sam and Duf come to visit after a night out and stay for a late-night to early-morning gossip summit.

Scene 10 Horatio attempts to die with his prince
Celia in her pijamas enters the poker room at dawn, wearing a Diamond Pendant (Tiffany & Co.), announcing good night to the party. The game is over and the players are leaving. Sutton has won and goes to the morning room for breakfast.

Odd facts and curious details about Episode 4
Songs Sutton is humming at breakfast time: when the previous night has won, he hums David Bowie. When he loses, he hums Led Zeppelin. In this episode he is humming "Panic in Detroit".
All titles of the scenes of the episode are synopsis of the play Hamlet, William Shakespeare.

Quotes about episode 4
Sutton: “I have to play stud poker every day, as an athlete will train every day of his life. A professional athlete will run everyday 50 km to be fit to run 42.195 km at the marathone. I have to take home a jug every day to be fit to win the big barrel.”

© 2012 All Turns To Dust, In The End.
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