
Episode 2 Synopsis


Scene 1 The man who died twice and ended his life alive
Robin and Celia are in a Café, they dream of a holiday in an exotic island, Robin leaves and the pander arrives and orders the object.

Scene 2 The man with a needle in his brain and no injuries in his skull
Dunvegan calls to meet Sutton and propose him to leave the town for fishing salmons in wild rivers, Sutton is not very keen to leave the comforts of urban life, at his shoulders the landscape framed by the window shows The Grand Canyon and the Colorado River in Arizona, U.S.

Scene 3 The man with no grammar and a savage skill to create new unnecessary words
Miss Winters tries to open a dead fish she means to cook for dinner and discovers the fish has misteriously eaten a Diamond Watch Celia was wearing the previous night.

Scene 4 The man who saved his soul and sold his life to a stranger
Dunvegan decides to train Sutton for fishing salmons and begins to show how to handle a fishing rod using a golf club in Sutton’s studio.

Scene 5 The man who lost his world and couldn’t find a soul to sell his mind to
Celia and Robin come home and Robin is left having a conversation with Miss Winters about the mistery of the Diamond Watch, Robin thinks to use the story in one of her books and takes notes of every word Miss Winters says.

Scene 6 The man who sold ideas at every corner of the street and bought hopes
Celia duplicates the object with trembling of the walls: The Venus of Hohle Fels is dated to between 35,000 and 40,000 years ago.

Scene 7 The man who lost his mask and found a new face underwater
The poker party refuses dinner and is very disturbed by Dunvegan who goes on miming fishing poses with a golf club.

Scene 8  The man who lost his mind and found a brand new green umbrella
Robin leaves the house and the dog to Celia’s care. The dog is snooping in the kitchen looking for food and is used by Miss Winters as a gourmet tester.

Scene 9 The man with a striped red tie who refused to wear shoes
Celia goes out to deliver the object while the poker party tries to get rid of Dunvegan who has involved the "rent boys" in a fishing training section.

Scene 10 The man who sold his body and found a jade jar full of lies
At the end of the poker game, Sutton wins a ship cruise in the north seas, whale spotting experience included. Sutton verifies the ship has a gambling room and poker room before announcing the merry news to Celia and Dunvegan.

© 2012 All Turns To Dust, In The End.
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More Characters, more Parade..

The poker party:

Mr Loch Lomon is a poker player associated with Sutton, the character is inspired by Stephen Morrisey British singer and performer in pop band The Smiths.

Mr Kilmartin character is inspired by Bill Corgan the American singer and performer in pop band The Smashing Pumpkins.

Mr Bonar-Bridge character inspired by Bob Dylan the American folk singer, always walks in the poker room with two different “rent boys” standing behind his shoulders. He plays cards usually wearing patent leather red stiletto shoes. He has a lover called “tableau vivant” for his attitude to strike the pose, this character is inspired by Prince, the American singer and composer.

Adam Dunvegan, Sutton best friend, called affectionately "that ‘Damn Dunvegan". The character is inspired by Dave Gahan the British singer and performer in pop band Depeche Mode. Adam is a pattern design researcher, but no one does know what he is exactly doing for earn a living.

© 2012 All Turns To Dust, In The End.
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Episode 4 Synopsis


Scene 1 Revenge on uncle Claudius
Sutton is playing cards for 30 hours and Celia wants to go to theatre to see a new representation of Hamlet. The poker party is very angry by the interruption.

Scene 2 Laertes is returning to France
Celia enters the room in a different outfit and insists to go out and laments the point of the play they are missing in that moment. The poker party is very annoyed. And Celia goes out to meet the pander to be commissioned a duplication.

Scene 3 Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are sent to spy on him
Celia comes home and Miss Winters is in deep agitation for some ill-working of the oven.

Scene 4 The Murder of Gonzago guilty Claudius abruptly rises and leaves
Celia duplicates the object. Miss Winters throws to the bin her famous soufflé aux champignons.

Scene 5 Stabs wildly through the cloth, kill the rat!
Celia enters the room in a different outfit, Sutton tries to tame Cilia and tells her to be patient, from the windows at Sutton’s shoulders is displaying the three pyramids in Giza Necropolis bordering El Giza, Egypt.

Scene 6 Hide the copse of Pollonious and leave Elsinore!
Celia’s enters again the room and insists to go out to see at least the end of the representation. The poker party is very annoyed and they yell back like prehistoric cave men.

Scene 7 Poison the tip of Laertes’ sword
Celia goes out to deliver the duplication: The bone Venus of Kostenky aged 35,000 – 40,000 BCE.

Scene 8 Ophelia has drowned
Miss Winters informs the party there will be no food. The party proposes to ask for prêt-à-manger food to be delivered and Miss Winters takes the offence very badly.

Scene 9 Claudius's murderous plot reveled
Celia comes from the library with some books and decides to go to sleep. Celia’s friends Sam and Duf come to visit after a night out and stay for a late-night to early-morning gossip summit.

Scene 10 Horatio attempts to die with his prince
Celia in her pijamas enters the poker room at dawn, wearing a Diamond Pendant (Tiffany & Co.), announcing good night to the party. The game is over and the players are leaving. Sutton has won and goes to the morning room for breakfast.

Odd facts and curious details about Episode 4
Songs Sutton is humming at breakfast time: when the previous night has won, he hums David Bowie. When he loses, he hums Led Zeppelin. In this episode he is humming "Panic in Detroit".
All titles of the scenes of the episode are synopsis of the play Hamlet, William Shakespeare.

Quotes about episode 4
Sutton: “I have to play stud poker every day, as an athlete will train every day of his life. A professional athlete will run everyday 50 km to be fit to run 42.195 km at the marathone. I have to take home a jug every day to be fit to win the big barrel.”

© 2012 All Turns To Dust, In The End.
All rights riserved.
No part of this work and/or the same in its entirety can be reproduced and/or filed (including by means of electronic systems) for private uses and/or reproduced and/or filed (including by means of electronic systems) for the public without previously obtaining in each and any case, the explicit consent from the author.


Episode 5 Synopsis


Carrying Diamonds in a One-Horse Open Sled, in the Darkest Night of the Century

Scene 1 the Xmas tree eater
Celia and Sutton come back from mom’s Xmas lunch, a big whitish turkey corpse uncooked in the not-working oven has starved them till home. It had been not possible to eat and they were allowed only some carrots, Sutton is gone sleeping to be vigilant for the night poker-game.

Scene 2 empty red box of candy
Alice comes from mom’s “soya bean vegan like” Xmas lunch, mom has put dad on diet and all the party has been starved nearly to death, Sutton is woken up by the door bell, Miss Winters has his day off for a date with Colonel Armadale and the kitchen is closed.

Scene 3 cometa star shooter from next door
Adam arrives from a late over craft trip in which no food has been provided, Sutton is woken up by the door bell.

Scene 4 bells ringing in the deepest dark cold night
Celia waits for the pander at the agreed café, playing with her Diamond And Emerald Necklace (Chopard); he is late because the Xmas lunch has been too generous and he stresses Celia to work quickly, Celia is wearing a Heart-Shaped Burma Ruby Necklace, Celia comes home unnerved and Sutton is woken up by the banging of the door.

Scene 5 one for the good child and one for the bad moments
A panettone cake is mysteriously delivered and Sutton is woken up by the door bell, again.

Scene 6 flying deers with snowman sled drivers
Robin arrives with Walter the dog, she is determinate to cook a Xmas pudding and ginger biscuits, Sutton is woken up by the door bell.

Scene 7 seeking presents under the bed
Dunburton wakes up Sutton and confesses he can’t take a day off and he was hiding in the cellar,  from the window of the bed room is visible the Temple of Kukulka in  the North Platform of Chichen Itza, Celia duplicates the object and must run out to deliver the object: therianthropic Lion Man of Hohlenstein-Stadel, a mammoth ivory figurine dating to 30,000 BCE.

Scene 8 old man in crimson socks
Sutton sleeping on his feet welcomes his guest for the poker game, Walter the dog eats voraciously the panettone cake.

Scene 9 salty biscuits and black dirty snow
Celia offers everyone tea and a tiny crumble of panettone cake left from the attack of Walter the dog, everyone protests they want proper Xmas food.

Scene 10 carol singing voices in the dusk
Miss Winters comes home from lunch with Colonel Armadale with a doggy bag, huge enough to feed the whole party, Walter the dog is in a frenzy mood wanting more food.

Odd facts and curious details about Episode 5:

The panettone cake is a traditional rich egg sweet bread, with raisins and citron candy skins, very popular at Xmas time, created in XV century in Milan, Italy. No explanation about who has mysteriously sent the panettone is given in episode 5.

Sutton is trying to have some sleep but he is disturbed by the door bell ringing, on Sutton’s night table there is a trembling pile of books, very classic readings, some titles are visible:
Joseph Conrad, Nostromo
Dante Alighieri, La Divina Commedia
Charles Dickens, Great Expectations
Denis Diderot, Jacques the Fatalist and His Master
William Faulkner, Absalom, Absalom
Gustave Flaubert, Madame Bovary
Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Love in the Time of Cholera
The Epic of Gilgamesh
Francois Rabelais, Gargantua and Pantagruel
Chinua Achebe, Things Fall Apart
Honore de Balzac, Pére Goriot
Samuel Beckett, Molloy
R.D. Blackmore, Lorna Dorne
GK Chesterton The Club of Queer
W. Collins, The moonstone
D. Defoe, Moll Flanders
C. Dickens, The Mystery of Edwin Drood
A. Trollope, The Eustace Diamonds
V. Woolf, Orlando
H. James, The Aspern Papers
DH Lawrence, The Plumed Serpent
B. Stoker, Dracula
G. Elliot, Silas Marner
F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Diamond as big as the Ritz

© 2012 All Turns To Dust, In The End.
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No part of this work and/or the same in its entirety can be reproduced and/or filed (including by means of electronic systems) for private uses and/or reproduced and/or filed (including by means of electronic systems) for the public without previously obtaining in each and any case, the explicit consent from the author.


Curiosity facts about names!

The male protagonist is named Sutton Hoon, after a VI-VII century Anglo Saxon ship burial found in Sutton Hoo area in Suffolk, England.
The female protagonist is named Celia, in Italian celiare means to jest, Sutton frequently address his wife as “Celia, are you kidding?” in episode 3 the passport is shown and the complete name is readable as Celia Calanais. Calanais or Callanish is the name is of standing stone circle on the west coast of Lewis in the Hebrides  (Western Isles of Scotland).
Adam Dunvegan, Sutton’s best friend, is named after Dunvegan, Scotland. The name alliterates with Dave Vanian. Legend tells someone from the audience of a Bauhaus gig shouted to the singer Peter Murphy: “You are a fucking copy of Dave Vanian.”

© 2012 All Turns To Dust, In The End.
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Let's talk about Art!

Celia is specialized in early human artefacts, as she believes them to be the “only possible true Art”, the most valuable way of expression: ancient language is lost under the dust of  time, but artefacts are preserved till today. Human beings have found a way to express their own vision of nature and, at the same time, a way to describe symbols and abstract ideas common to all humankind. The first artefacts have sprung from natural world and have build a bridge to a inner world made of fears, hopes and feelings concealed inside the human mind.

Art quotes when Celia receives the object to be duplicated and delivers it to the pander:

Episode 1 receiving the object Celia: “A great artist is always before his time or behind it, says George Moore. Optimistic nature, poor George.”
Episode 1 delivering the object Celia: “All art is but imitation of nature, writes Seneca.  I think art is all but imitation of nature. Poor fellow, Seneca.”
The object duplicated: a woolly mammoth figurine from the Swabian Jura dated 35,000 years ago.

Episode 2 receiving the object Celia: “An artist is never ahead of his time but most people are far behind theirs, says Edgar Varese. Can’t something be more true?”
Episode 2 delivering the object  Celia: “An artist is not paid for his labor but for his vision said James Whistler. Are artist paid? Oh, that’s bizarre.”
Object: The Venus of Hohle Fels is dated to between 35,000 and 40,000 years ago.

Episode 4 receiving the object  Celia: “An artist is somebody who produces things that people don't need to have, says Andy Warhol
. Poor little creature, Drella. I don’t think you can not have art, only a fool can think to buy art.”
Episode 4 delivering the object  Celia: “Art is a collaboration between God and the artist, and the less the artist does the better wrote André Gide.
Funny man, André, such a funny way to say the truth to make you think it is a lie!”
Object: The bone Venus of Kostenky aged 35,000 – 40,000 BCE.

Episode 5 receiving the object Celia: “Art is a revolt against fate, wrote André Malraux.
Poor André such a life in far away places.”
Episode 5 delivering the object Celia: “Art produces ugly things which frequently become more beautiful with time. Fashion, on the other hand, produces beautiful things which always become ugly with time wrote Jean Cocteau. Nice fellow he was, not quiet able to draw.”
Object: therianthropic Lion Man of Hohlensteing-Stadel, a mammoth ivory figurine dating 30,000 BCE.

Episode 6 receiving the object Celia: “Beauty in art is often nothing but ugliness subdued wrote Jean Rostand
Episode 6 delivering the object Celia: “Every other artist begins with a blank canvas, a piece of paper the photographer begins with the finished product says Edward Steichen
. Isn’t that true?”
Object: a bone Venus of Willendorf (25,000 BCE)  

Episode 7 receiving the object Celia: “Great art picks up where nature ends said Marc Chagall. Poor man, Marc. He had a passion for crimson, this explains all his troubles.”
Episode 7 delivering the object  Celia: “We have art in order not to die of the truth wrote Friedrich Nietzsche. He enjoyed speaking with horses, monstrous creatures, aren’t they, horses.” 
Object: a 75,000-year-old pieces of ochre engraved with abstract designs and beads made from Nassarius  shells.

Episode 8 receiving the object  Celia: “What makes photography a strange invention is that its primary raw materials are light and time says John Berger
. What else could you need?”
Episode 8 delivering the object  Celia: “Things are beautiful if you love them wrote Jean Anouih
, funny I can’t love things when they are beautiful, I become fed up after a day.”
Object : Quartzite figurine from Morocco known as the Venus of Tan-Tan, 300,000- 500,000 years ago.

Episode 9 receiving the object  Celia: “The perfection of art is to conceal art wrote Quintillian
. I love the poor fellow, he could have been a plastic surgery advisor.”
Episode 9 delivering the object  Celia: “The history of art is the history of revivals said Samuel Butler
.  Imagine how shocked he would be if he had lived in our time, when the art of revival is already history!”

© 2012 All Turns To Dust, In The End.
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Sound track Episode 1

Sound track Episode 1.
All songs are covers by The Sarnìquls © 2012 The Sarniculs. All rights riserved.  

Scene 1 I Don’t Wanna Grow Up, The Ramones
Scene 2 Zero, The Smashing Pumpkins
Scene 3 Strange Love, Depeche Mode
Scene 4 Run, Run, Run, The Third Rail
Scene 5 Another Invented Disease, Manic Street Preachers
Scene 6 Psychotic Reaction, Count Five
Scene 7 Change, Tears for Fears
Scene 8 She Loves You, The Beatles
Scene 9 The Man Who Sold the World, David Bowie
Scene 10 Kentucky Rain, Elvis Presley

© 2012 All Turns To Dust, In The End.
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Work ethic

Quote from Episode 4
Celia: “My pander told me he had problems with the last customer and the price we agreed."
"They want to possess art, to possess immortality in some way. Art can’t be sold or bought. I gave them the illusion to possess art and they pay for their greed. What’s wrong with it?”
Sutton: “Celia, my dear. What people want is to gain their dream with no effort."
"What we do is leave them with a bitter lesson and with the awareness of reality: it’s for their own good."
"You give them something that soon turns to nothing and leaves them with the awareness of mortality and decadence. Everything must turn to dust, shining dust blown away, eventually."
"It’s not different from what we do, my mates and I."
"They see the antagonist in us, they want to live the dream they can beat us. They want the chance to play with the legend and win, they want the illusion to take our place and become the legend."
"This is what we sell: entertainment."
"We always win because we are the best, we are not trained to be the best, it’s a natural gift what we are."
"We win for money and we win to feed the legend with glory: we have no choice, it’s our nature.”

© 2012 All Turns To Dust, In The End.
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U.M.I.A. the place to stay

U.M.I.A. is the name of the ideal city where the characters are living, it stands for ubi mel ibi apes, latin for “where [there is] honey, there [are] bees”. 
It looks like the town gathers all copies of remarkable architecture buildings and commonly appreciated monuments from all over the world, the ideal city seems to be surrounded by well preserved natural breath-taking landscapes.
A second hypothesis suggests the mega polis where the characters live, is a world where urbanization has reached every corner of the earth, a gigantic total town that has swallowed up all the cities we know in our world.
The characters, Celia especially, travel through such a wide town on full speed over craft-like vehicles.
From the windows or verandas of the house we can see the skyline change as if the house is moving or somehow rotating. This kind of scenario changes happen, usually, when Sutton is by the window, or walks by, looking outside. We are supposed to think he is so urbanized that he projects his vision of fearful natural landscape outside his safe home.

Famous places recognizable as window landscape:

Episode 1- The Taj Mahal, Agra India.
Episode 2- The Grand Canyon, Colorado U.S.A.
Episode 3- Easter Island, South Pacific.
Episode 4- The Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt.
Episode 5- The North Platform of Chichen Itza, Temple of Kukulkan, Mexico.  
Episode 6- Niagara Falls, U.S.A., Canada.
Episode 7- Angkor Wat, Cambodia. 
Episode 8- The Great Wall of China.
Episode 9- Angel Falls, Venezuela.
Episode 10-Kiyomizudera in eastern Kyoto, Japan.

© 2012 All Turns To Dust, In The End.
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Episode 1 Synopsis


Scene 1 From metaphysics to pataphysique
Alice irrupts in the house and begs Celia to be invited to dinner in order to meet a wealthy husband, as always she is completely ignored. Celia asks Sutton to play cards later in the evening and dedicate some time to the guests and convivial dinner. Sutton protests he has to work.

Scene 2 Go and catch a falling star  
Miss Winters is planning dinner and is very nervous because the secret ingredient of the sauce is missing. Celia goes out to meet the pander and is secretly followed by Alice.

Scene 3 Teach me to hear mermaids singing
Poker players arrive at the usual time and are hidden by Sutton in the library room, when Sutton enters the room, the window shows the landscape dominated by The Taj Mahal in Agra, India.

Scene 4 Ride ten thousand days and nights
Alice has the suspect Celia has a secret affair with the pander she has met, and tries to ask trap questions to understand the truth.

Scene 5 Such a pilgrimage were sweet
Miss Winters rages the house in search for Walter the dog, who is used to snoop in the kitchen and stole food, Robin’s literary agent arrives earlier than expected and is introduced to the poker players and is forced to tour Sutton’s “wunderkammer” gallery.

Scene 6 Though at next door we might meet
More guests arrive, cocktails are served, Alice is praying to have one of Celia’s clothes for the evening and is denied so she introduces herself to the guests. Robin’s literary agent is intrigued by the after dinne poker game.

Scene 7 Death kills with too much cold
Miss Winters is cautiously preparing the mayonnaise sauce, which is ruined by the trembling of the ceiling when the object is duplicated: a woolly mammoth figurine from the Swabian Jura dated 35,000 years ago.

Scene 8 We die but once, and who loved last did die
Celia goes out to walk Robin’s dog wearing a magnificent evening dress and delivers the object, the pander gives her the code. Alice sneaks in Celia’s rooms with the purpose to find proof of Celia’s secret affair, but she is soon distracted by the literary agent she mistakes for a wealthy possible husband.

Scene 9 Or like the heat which fire in solid matter
Celia comes home and saves the literary agent from unwanted attention Alice is providing at dinner, in an effort to look smart and brilliant.

Scene 10 Leaves behind, two hours after.
The literary agent joins the poker players next room and the girls are left alone admiring the new Panther Brooch (House of Cartier) Celia is wearing.

Odd facts and curious details about Episode 1
The scenes titles from 2 to 10 are lines by John Donne (1573–1631)
from “Song: Go and Catch a Shining Star” and “The Paradox”.

Quotes from Episode 1 scene 1
Sutton: “I’m a professional poker player, my dear. I take work so seriously that, when it’s sunshine, I have sunstroke working indoors as if I were a golf player working on a dry sand hill under merciless sun at noon. I have sunstroke all the same. Dedication to work is everything when you are a professional poker player.”

© 2012 All Turns To Dust, In The End.
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