
Episode 1 Synopsis


Scene 1 From metaphysics to pataphysique
Alice irrupts in the house and begs Celia to be invited to dinner in order to meet a wealthy husband, as always she is completely ignored. Celia asks Sutton to play cards later in the evening and dedicate some time to the guests and convivial dinner. Sutton protests he has to work.

Scene 2 Go and catch a falling star  
Miss Winters is planning dinner and is very nervous because the secret ingredient of the sauce is missing. Celia goes out to meet the pander and is secretly followed by Alice.

Scene 3 Teach me to hear mermaids singing
Poker players arrive at the usual time and are hidden by Sutton in the library room, when Sutton enters the room, the window shows the landscape dominated by The Taj Mahal in Agra, India.

Scene 4 Ride ten thousand days and nights
Alice has the suspect Celia has a secret affair with the pander she has met, and tries to ask trap questions to understand the truth.

Scene 5 Such a pilgrimage were sweet
Miss Winters rages the house in search for Walter the dog, who is used to snoop in the kitchen and stole food, Robin’s literary agent arrives earlier than expected and is introduced to the poker players and is forced to tour Sutton’s “wunderkammer” gallery.

Scene 6 Though at next door we might meet
More guests arrive, cocktails are served, Alice is praying to have one of Celia’s clothes for the evening and is denied so she introduces herself to the guests. Robin’s literary agent is intrigued by the after dinne poker game.

Scene 7 Death kills with too much cold
Miss Winters is cautiously preparing the mayonnaise sauce, which is ruined by the trembling of the ceiling when the object is duplicated: a woolly mammoth figurine from the Swabian Jura dated 35,000 years ago.

Scene 8 We die but once, and who loved last did die
Celia goes out to walk Robin’s dog wearing a magnificent evening dress and delivers the object, the pander gives her the code. Alice sneaks in Celia’s rooms with the purpose to find proof of Celia’s secret affair, but she is soon distracted by the literary agent she mistakes for a wealthy possible husband.

Scene 9 Or like the heat which fire in solid matter
Celia comes home and saves the literary agent from unwanted attention Alice is providing at dinner, in an effort to look smart and brilliant.

Scene 10 Leaves behind, two hours after.
The literary agent joins the poker players next room and the girls are left alone admiring the new Panther Brooch (House of Cartier) Celia is wearing.

Odd facts and curious details about Episode 1
The scenes titles from 2 to 10 are lines by John Donne (1573–1631)
from “Song: Go and Catch a Shining Star” and “The Paradox”.

Quotes from Episode 1 scene 1
Sutton: “I’m a professional poker player, my dear. I take work so seriously that, when it’s sunshine, I have sunstroke working indoors as if I were a golf player working on a dry sand hill under merciless sun at noon. I have sunstroke all the same. Dedication to work is everything when you are a professional poker player.”

© 2012 All Turns To Dust, In The End.
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