Scene 1 Seven deadly sins
The machine does not work, the objects are duplicated in a wrong size, Celia goes on duplicating a diamond bangle to understand what’s wrong. Sutton’s mother comes to visit and admires Diamond Necklace (William Goldberg) Celia is wearing.
Scene 2 Seven and the raged tiger
Celia goes out to walk a black panther with diamond collar to avoid arguing with Mrs Hoon who has decided to arrange the dispositions of the furniture in the house.
Scene 3 I’ll travel the world and the seven seas
Celia goes out to walk an elephant with diamond collar to avoid arguing with Mrs Hoon who has decided to arrange the dispositions of pictures in the house, Dumburton is sent to dismiss the pander saying Celia is not keen to work.
Scene 4 Seven green hills of Rome
Celia goes out to walk a giraffe with diamond collar, the pander insist and Dumburton dismisses the pander lying about Celia has left for a short trip.
Scene 5 Seven liberal arts for seven samurai
Celia goes out to walk a moose with diamond collar to avoid arguing with Mrs Hoon who has decided to arrange the dispositions of the sofas in the house.
Scene 6 Secret agent zero zero seven and the seven dwarfs
Celia goes out to walk a penguin with diamond collar, the pander thinks they want more money; Dunburton dismisses the pander telling him Celia is very angry with her husband and is back to her mother.
Scene 7 Shakespeare's 7 Ages of Man theory
Celia goes out to walk a T-Rex with diamond collar to avoid arguing with Mrs Hoon who has decided to arrange a different color of the paperwall in the house: the pander cames to the house and Sutton finally dismisses the pander confessing the machine does not work, the landscape framed by the window is Easter Island in the Polynesian archipelago.
Scene 8 Seven wonders of the ancient world
Celia goes out to walk a sea lion with diamond collar to avoid arguing with Mrs Hoon who has decided to rearrange the kitchen and Miss Winters is going to countattack, the pander can’t believe the machine does not work, thinks Sutton wants to haggle on money.
Scene 9 Seven sages of the bamboo grove
Celia goes out to walk a buffalo with diamond collar since Miss Winter and Mrs Hoon are having a dramaticly unpolite chat full of masked insults.
Scene 10 Seven hills of Costantinopole
The pander delivers a case with huge money in cash and lives the house with no object, hurged by Mrs Hoon who mistakes him for the driver and orders him to bring her home. Sutton enjoys the easy earning.
Odd facts about episode 3
The objects are duplicated in a wrong size because of the machine is not working properly, Celia goes on duplicating a diamond bangle to understand what’s wrong, each time the size is different and Celia adapts the diamond bangle as a collar for a parade of exotic animals she pretends to walk out the house. It's not clear where do these animals come out.
In scene 4, Celia tries to collar her mother in low and walk her out of the house...
Quotes about episode 3
opening scene
Celia: “Cereals, Dear? We are not going to pollute our bodies with that poison. Don’t you think vegetables, meat, cheese, fish, fruit are enough for our nourishment? If you want cereals, dear, help yourself a beer at the pub round the corner. No cereals will enter this house.”
Sutton: “You are right, dear. I’ll have a whiskey when I’m finished with breakfast.”
scene 5
Sutton: “I know you can somehow amuse yourself having a walk in fine warm spring day, Celia, but I enjoy the shortening of day-light in late autumn till the winter solstice. Believe me, there is nothing as good for concentration than awareness of icy windy cold rainy dark weather outside.”
© 2012 All Turns To Dust, In The End.
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